"With the Word" written by Warren W. Wiersbe
Because Jesus did not "feel at home" with Lot in Sodom, He sent the two angels to look into the situation for Him. The angels didn't walk the streets or visit the public places of amusement. They visited a professed deliver to see what his home was like. Lot's wife and family were far from the Lord. The salt had lost its flavor(Matt. 5:13), so what hope was there for the city?
Abraham was visited when it was light, but Lot received the angels at evening(1 John 1:5-10). Abraham's household obeyed his word as he served the Lord
, but Lot lingered and had to be dragged out of the city. Abraham, who lived outside Sodom, had more influence than Lot, who lived in the city.
Lot tried first to plead with the men at the door, and then to bargain with them. God's approach was to judge them. They loved darkness rather than light(John 3:19).
God did not find ten righteous people, but He spared Lot and his wife and daughters for the sake of Abraham. While we may hate the sins of Sodom, keep in mind that all those people went to eternal judgement.(See Judge 23.)
Lot had no tent or altar, and he ended up in a cave committing terrible sins. Were it not for 2 peter 2:7-8, we might doubt that he was a believer at all.(See Ps. 1:1)
「With the Word」ウォーレン w.ウィアーズビィ
(2peter 2:7)また、無節操な者たちの好色なふるまいによって悩まされていた義人ロトを救い出されました。
(2peter 2:8)この義人は、彼らの間に住んでいましたが、不法な行ないを見聞きして、日々その正しい心を痛めていたからです。
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